My prayers this morning.

Papa God, How my heart rejoices and sings to be here in beloved Estonia. My thoughts reflect Your thoughts for the land and these people. I pray safety and protection over this Baltic region! Bless this nation with eyes to see Your Kingdom and Glory. Manifest Your presence and Your nearness God. Have mercy on the people here. Many have NO true knowledge of Your ways ~ may they respond to the invitation of Your heart God, “Come in! Come in!” I hear Your heart drawing those far to come in near. I bless the land of Estonia.

Papa, let me hear Your voice ~ Estonia! Estonia! Your hour of visitation is near. How I long to gather you in My arms and protect you. I call out to You like a loving Father and wait for My prodigal child to return home to Me. I long to shower you with goodness and to clothe you in a robe of righteousness and place a ring of authority on your finger. Estonia, you are a beloved child to Me and I have a plan of awakening your land.

Do not lose hope for these people. Heaven has a plan to bring many to the light of My Kingdom. Keep praying and declaring light over this nation church! Do not mirror what the world says about this land, but defy it with the Word of the Lord. Bless what I have blessed and watch Me do wonders in your midst. Call out to Me and I WILL answer. I AM the same God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. As I brought Israel out of bondage with signs and wonders – so I AM is able to keep these Baltic nations safe and secure. Spend more time meditating on My power and less on the evil forces around you. Rise with a fresh new perspective as David did when he saw Goliath. He never once considered the possibility that the giant would NOT be defeated. Greater is He in you, than he that is in the world.

Rise up church! Declare My powerful Word to the atmosphere. Usher in My will with the words of your mouth. You are the ones chosen for this work and for this hour. Speak My promises! They cannot fail!

God, Your kingdom come! Your will be done, in Estonia and this surrounding land as it is in heaven. Amen.

Pastor Pamela Waldrum

© Tule Kogudus
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